Set during the events of Stronghold 3's military story, the Blackstaff campaign follows Thomas Blackstaff as he hunts down the three escaped sons of The Rat. Travel across the sea to Greyshore Island to battle the Evil Brotherhood. We have submitted a new patch (v 1.10.27781) to Steam for Stronghold 3. To download the patch, simply run your Steam client and the patch will download automatically. Read more to view notes and a list of fixes for this patch as well as a preview screenshot of a Lord overlooking a full scale siege!
Set 10 years after the events of the original, Stronghold 3: Gold follows the vengeful story of The Wolf in the third mainline instalment of the award winning castle-building series.
Stronghold 3 Download Farsi
- Besiege The Wolf – Three story-driven campaigns continue the tale of the vengeful Wolf.
- Design Your Stronghold – Build mighty castles with unique layouts using new freeform construction.
- Get Medieval – Protect your village and peasant community as an entire medieval economy springs to life.
- Simulate Destruction – Realistic physics and night-time sieges make siege warfare more brutal than ever.
- Rewrite History – Attack or defend famous castles from the pages of history. Succeed where others failed!
- Conquer Your Friends – King of the Hill and Capture the Flag allow you to besiege other players online.
- Attack or defend famous castles from the pages of history – Succeed where others failed!
Stronghold 3: Gold mixes real-time strategy and village sim gameplay with dramatic castle sieges featuring hundreds of units. A keep packed with features include realistic physics, intricate castle design, story-driven campaigns and numerous multiplayer modes. The new Gold edition includes all extra content, updates and tweaks added to Stronghold 3 since launch, as well as an entirely new ‘Blackstaff' campaign. As a package Gold features three core story campaigns including Blackstaff, a Freebuild sandbox mode and four flavours of multiplayer including the new Coronation mode! Stronghold 3: Gold also includes all 12 historical sieges, previously only available through special editions of the game.
Stronghold 3 Patch Download Ps4 Set during the events of Stronghold 3's military campaign, Blackstaff is an all-new single player campaign following Thomas Blackstaff as he hunts down the three escaped sons of The Rat. Your journey will take you across the sea to your former home on Greyshore Island and pit you against the evil Brotherhood, who forced you into exile as a child. It's up to you to banish these invaders from your land and reclaim Greyshore!
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Stronghold 3 Patch Download Pc Windows
Processor: 2.0GHz equivalent Intel or AMD dual-core processor
Memory: 2GB RAM
Graphics: 256 MB ATI HD2600 XT, 256 MB nVidia 7900 GS or better
Sound: DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card or higher
DirectX: DirectX 9.0c (included) or higher
Network: Broadband internet connection
Hard Drive: 5GB uncompressed free space